crossroads Kids

Every Sunday morning we have something for kids of all ages.  We have Tinys (nursery care) available for all children under the age of 3.  Our caring and talented Tinys staff give your child the care and attention then need so you can engage in the worship service.  Our Littles class is for children 3-Kindergarten.  Our team of teachers love to have fun and educate your kids.  In Littles your children will have an opportunity to learn about the foundations of our faith and to practice and develop their creativity through crafts. BIGS is for kids in 1st-5th grade.  In BIGS our team of engaging teachers walks the kids through various lesson plans that teach on everything from the basics of our faith to the great stories of people in the Old Testament.  Crosssroads Kids allows your child to dive a little deeper and relate this faith to their personal lives.  If you have any questions, please contact us.